Welcome to my domain.

I'm Diederik. I ask you don't call me Dirk unless we know each other.
This website is bare bones. I don't need it to be anything more, and really, neither do you.
I am a 17 year old guy, though I turn 18 in about 2 months. Simon-pure Dersite Prince of Heart. I've got an interest in Muppets/puppetry in general, MLP:FiM/horses in general, anime/manga, animatronics/robotics, classpecting, psychology, media analysis, all that pseudo-intellectual bullshit.
If you found this site from one of my few social medias then you're probably already aware. If not, how are you here? Are you lost? Where are your parents?
The sort of things people usually put on their bootless little biography sites tend to be insanely useless. I'm not telling you my disorders, triggers, or any weird personal shit.
I'm a generally unpleasant person. I have a history I'm trying to get better from.
I'm not a kinnie, IRL, DA or whatever words you folks use to describe that shit these days. I'm just the guy from the comic.
I'd suggest (and prefer) you didn't make contact with me, but I'm cool with bare minimum interactions and occasional DMs. I'm not one for connections and I have my own things I'm focused on.
On that note, I want absolutely nothing to do with "proshippers." I think you're disgusting.

Take some song recommendations while you're here.