Diederik Strider's Marvelous Philanthropic Mind Palace

The title is still in the works.

One-Shot #1 - Group Therapy

CAL: So, everything you hoped for and more?

Dirk: (You know what? Sure. Nowhere I'd rather be...)

Dirk: (...That's sarcasm.)

CAL: Aw, come on now. At least you're out of the house! HEEHEE.

Dirk: (The house has 2 people who don't get it.)

Dirk: (Outside has more)

Dirk: (who are less willing to attempt to get it.)

CAL: You always talk about "it." "Getting it." What is "it?"

Dirk: (Shit.)

Dirk: (Like.)

Dirk: (Everything.)

CAL: HAAHAA! Everything? Neither do you!

Dirk: (God, do you fucking mind?)

Dirk: (Like, do you ever shut your mouth. Are you capable of doing that? For once? For me?)

CAL: Awwwh... Alright...




Dirk: (Gggghh.)


Dirk: (Fine. Come back.)