Q1. How have you been?

MOON. Actual answer doesn't matter so much as how they respond to the question. Derse are usually closed off or nonchalant. Prospit are usually truthful and answer with little hesitation.

Q2. Which of these are you drawn to/feel averse towards?

ASPECT. NOT a conscious "I stand with this" but a vibe or a sort of doctrine. Innate nature.

SPACE: Creation, Choice, Creative Expression, Will of the Universe, Surrender, Art, Ambiance, Meditation, Candy, Detachment, Abstraction, Dreams, Cold, Acceptance.

TIME: Destruction, Volition, Retaliation, Spite, Hunger, Death, Mechanisms, Material Reality, Inevitability, Endings, Conflict, Chaos, Profanity, Heat, Meat, Gasoline, Cruelty.

MIND: Objectivity, Logic, Multiple Perspectives, Clarity, Research, Utility, Allocation, Systems, Puzzles, Strategy, Prediction, Decisions, Outcomes, Chess, Guiding Laws.

HEART: Subjectivity, Soul, Singular Perspectives, Persona(lity), Passion, Identity, Charisma, Romance, Intimacy, Empathy, Theatre, Obsession, Relationship Dynamics.

HOPE: Fantasy, Utopia, Exceptions, Innocence, Heroism, Reinvention, Perfection, Impossibility, Suspension of Disbelief, Sugarcoating, Silver Linings, Denial, Lying.

RAGE: Truth, Harsh Reality, Rigid Structure, Disillusionment, Sobriety, Sanity, Memory, Limitation, Routine, Pragmaticsm, Doubt, Bitterness, Futility, Tantrums.

VOID: , Maybe, I dunno, Whim, Flippancy, Confusion, Guesswork, Rumours, Myth, Nonsense, Silence, Mystery, Secrets, Surprises, Irrelevancy, Fanon, Pumpkins.

LIGHT: Symbology, Answers, Fortune, Luck, Destiny, Storytelling, Conclusions, Association, Assumption, Fate, Coherency, Holistics, Payoff, Hints, Canon, Cliches.

DOOM: Problems, Sickness, Spiraling, Dysfunction, Isolation, Fatalism, Depression, Coping, Crying, Venting, Rot, Decay, Rest, Reprieve, Resignation, Closure.

LIFE: Solutions, Health, Politeness, Social Obligations, Support, Stability, Harmony, Growth, Appearences, Teamwork, Nature, Nurture, Food, Saftey, Complacency.

BREATH: The Future, "The Easy Way", Trust in Intuition, Freedom, The Wind, Trailblazing, Individuality, Moving Forward, Freeflow, Calm, Forgive, Forget, Boredom.

BLOOD: The Past, "The Hard Way", Trust in Others, Bonds, Oaths, Promises, Grudges, Family, Judgement, Suffering, Comraderie, Ordeals, Stress, Sacrifice, Debt, Scars, Guilt.

Q3.What is 'goodness' to you?

Into the real meat and potatoes with CLASS. This one is hard to explain. It's not what you believe is good, but it's the idea, the concept of good. I'd usually say have them choose 2 of these words. If you know them well enough then you can probably make a rough guess.

Easy - Intuitive - Merit - Static - Variable - Tricky - Subjective
Masters - Fae - Servants - Prophets - Magicians - Outlaws - Royals
Command - Create - Exploit - Know - Change - Steal - Destroy

Which then leads into,

COMMAND, Easy, Masters: Lords, (-) Muses (+) - VERY RARE.

Known lords: Caliborn, Derse Lord of Time. - Dominates (with/through) [aspect]. Male-aligned. -

"LORDS are the most singularly intense, self-assured, and weirdly optimistic living creatures you will ever meet. Bold, brash, and with almost no censor, their raw enthusiasm for life is as contagious as it is contentious - "doubt" is a 5 letter word. Altruistic despite aggression, Lords are drawn to others; they size up their complaints and shortcomings quickly, then try to set them straight with no-nonsense life-advice. However, this desire to mentor only highlights that Lords are utterly consumed by their own not-so-little world: they always prioritize their experiences, anecdotes, politics, irritations and mildest opinions over...well, facts, and they defaulty do not reconcile this slurry of identity, memory, and worldview with anything outside it. They zero in on only the goals that excite them, taking their own improvised road there, which might be an easy shortcut or needlessly more difficult. Scholarship is weighed equally to "a unique brain with great intuition", and the former is optional depending on the person. If this sounds like a two-dimensional cartoon example of the word "egocentric", sure, but they don't know when they're bluffing; Lords universally utter insanities like "I have never lost at anything in my life" and "I know more than expert scientists", and either ignore or talk past any transparent evidence to the contrary. This self-confidence leaves them strangled by personal failures they're unable to grasp, yet still capable of succeeding in half the Herculean labours they promise. They advertise themselves as poets with a grand vision, but breaking them to the point of self-awareness means someone matching their force of will - and if you aren't careful, you'll get caught in their orbit instead."

"Prospit Lords want to be your best friend, and rarely notice if you ask them not to. Loud, large, and in charge, their lust for life often blinds them to reading the room, and they're generally caught off guard if people give them a hard "no". Seeing their aspect as purely heroic, they act with the assumption that anything they come up with fits into that category. No matter how overconfident, their autopilot leans altruistic; they're here to help, they'll listen to your problems (kinda), and even if their solutions suck you can just nod along. They often come off as harmless (if rude), but beyond hour long rants about their sexual conquests and this one dream they had, they're cannier than their charisma implies. Prospit Lords see and speak life through a hazy dreamworld, yet often are treacherous and opportunistic in action where their words aren't; the right hand doesn't know (or ask) what the left is up to. Lies are created hastily, and often defended with fire in their eyes; red in the face, making a scene, alternating between rage and sorrow, all for crimes they did 5 minutes ago and will do 5 minutes later as soon as you turn around. Yes, they can grow, mature, and hold themselves responsible, but there is almost no way to tell based on their reaction. Their charismatic confidence is too perfect, too genuine, and they're dangerously imaginative in storytelling. All the rallying cries and pledges to assist are bound to what they think they're "supposed" to say, leaving them charging into catastrophe on blind faith, or throwing people (even confidants and lovers) under the bus when things get too hot. There is a lazy, entitled cruelty hiding behind the performance, which makes louder performances all the more intentional as a smokescreen; if they really did learn to grow past that, if they really do stand for something, trust that through witnesses first, foremost, and perhaps exclusively."

"Derse Lords want to be your worst friend, and don't care if you ask them not to. Their instincts push them to be insistant, impatient, physically violent, straight up rude, and way too proud of all these things...yet, a Derse edge makes them far more lucid (perhaps even a sliver of shame) to the absurdity of their self-perception, and the things that come out of their mouth. Now they're almost always nightmares as kids: unrepentent loudmouths believing themselves destined for fame and glory, reflexive in resorting to violence (if they're sure they'll win (expect cheating)) and lying as easily as breathing. It's very possible they won't grow out of this, remaining a tempermental brute weaving complete bullshit into personal myths - success is something stumbled into at this level of violent delusion. If they're smart enough to open up to the world, they can also "defuse", learning to laugh at themselves, nurture others without competing with them, and focus on casually shooting the shit with real friends (despite still having a short temper). It's also possible for them to become self-aware without being self-critical, resulting in a dangerous Maid^2; coldly efficient yet undisguised narcassistic avarice, taking whatever they want and letting the automatic rationalizations sort the debris. No matter what, they keep the desire to mentor people, which can feel (and be) an afterthought to friends who put up with their behavior. Of course, that "help" is weighed down by Derse Lords reveling in conscious manipulation (still capable of double-think, mind you), which is easy to miss next to someone so transparent in all their other malevolence. Getting people to be their idea of "strong" will often mean playing dirty, and that's either a fun secret or justified only as "irrelevant". There is potential here, sure - real passion, compassion, wit, bravery, pain - but a Lord who knows better is not necessarily a Lord who won't."

Known muses: Calliope, Prospit Muse of Space. - Invites inspiration of/with/through [aspect]. Female-aligned. +

"MUSES are unassuming at first glance, and insist upon that impression despite what they volunteer for. Graceful and softspoken, they ask little and often shirk away from the limelight - yet, they have alot to say, painting a coherent picture of morality that is all encompasing and accounts for all details. Many find themselves in awful situations, and endure insults or jeers that they seem strangely used to; in healthy enviroments with friends that care, they appreciate gestures but instinctively reject gifts. What matters to them is art, and many have what seems an unerring ability to pump out creative expressions. They might even be excited to show them off, but it's almost always followed by speeches of how "It's nothing" and "It could be better". It doesn't matter how insistant you are, Muses prefer being nothing, because their closest friends are everything. They naturally idolize others with a potency that blots out their self-identity, and this adoration can give Muses friends-bordering-on-followers they never asked for and never ask least, explicitly. Peer past the gentle presentation, and Muses presume, instruct, and demand a great deal; flowery compliments and praise, curt de romantic disapproval, right and wrong answers in an aspect woven without signature but never without intent. In poetry, Muses can make all the chaos and lurid insanity of the universe make sense without lifting a finger, enshrining you as the world's (and maybe their) shining savior. In practice, Muses make alot of unearned assumptions about damn near everything, with a comical obstinence in admitting their engorged beliefs are either personal, or not under persecution. This isn't to say they're especially dangerous, as their wallflower presentation is as convincing to themselves as it is to others...but they are in the same weight class as Lords for a reason."

"Prospit Muses are calm, content, and transparent about the grandiosity of their beliefs - which, given what we've gone over, still makes them difficult to argue as most definitions of "happy". Wearing their colours on their sleeve, even their cheeriest moments have an odd melancholy to them, as a distraction to what "matters". They're the most clearly articulated in the lines they draw between themselves and the rest of the world, and their high-minded principles make them difficult to negotiate with on a personal level. It's harder than it looks to become close enough they'll champion you, and it's harder still if they've been hurt before, finding more ways to rationalize what was already on their mind. They process things alone, and they're not used to people fighting with them, let alone for them. Growing past this, becoming more social, learning to trust their happiness, all of these are worth encouraging...but it's still worth keeping an eye on them, even at this point. Open-hearted doesn't mean open-minded, and their reluctance to changing their ways includes all that aformentioned bile. If they go full-on "cold fury harbinger" (for a day, or a lifetime) they won't flinch, selling both the conviction and their declarations with appropriate gravitose. There are obvious missed details and bias, but going face-to-face makes it easy to forget the argument you wanted to make, or what you wanted in general. They have a talent in intimidating others to not step out of line "for their best interest", which only gets better with practice and internalization. They might even be proud of it, threatening others not to mess with them, but this is mostly just bark and not bite - whether you want to help them or leave them, you just have to remember they're only human."

"Derse Muses sing the same song, but they seem to think it (and themselves) are stupid. Uncertainty and skepticism only drive the Muse's poor self image even further downward, and leave them hesitant to speak the principles they assume no choice but to live by. The silver lining in constantly asking people if they're being a nuisance is that they're much easier to talk to, with their powerful optimism and hero-worship ready to be invoked when people need it...and the slightly-more-obvious stormcloud is that they're constantly asking people if they're being a nuisance. Derse Muses are woobies, often emotionally taxing at the times where they're not emotionally inspiring. They're also better at consciously recognizing selfishness, making guilt-tripping or other manipulations more intentional (and perhaps, common). Most of the time they just want to ride someone else's coat tails out of their chronic issues, but it's easy to lose track of what the appropriate solutions to those problems are. This behavior can easily become overbearing, but it can also get them hooked by abusers who learn how to manipulate them. It's important Derse Muses learn to set boundries, but they're still dangerous in their own right; they have teeth, even if they always try to hide them."

CREATE, Intuitive, Fae: Maids (-), Sylphs (+)

Known maids: Jane Crocker, Prospit Maid of Life. Aradia Megido, Derse Maid of Time. Porrim Maryam, Prospit Maid of Space. - Creates/generates with/through [aspect]. Female-aligned. +

"MAIDS are intimidating, relentless, and the very archetypal definition of a workaholic. Professionally, they're drawn to juggle twice as many plates as anyone would think is reasonable, treating their career and hobbies with equal levels of dedication, charging through life's obstacles as a sacchrine bulldozer. Personally, they prefer to be known professionally; pry past the track record, and it's all odd hunches, chronic distractibility, laughing at jokes that no one else is laughing at or were never meant as jokes. Maids have a rather volitile sense of self-importance, but the focus is on service and not glory; sparing acknowledgement and affirmation is all they need, even if that might be the only thread keeping them reliable and not narcissistic. Of course, this is intertwined with a doubt in others competency, leaving Maids to push past their own friends in the name of doing everything themselves - even socially, there is a casual cruelty in their low expectations. Maids always have a plan; if they don't, they make one; if you give them one, they fix it; if you fight them, they do what they wanted to do anyways. They do this all alone, both from a "too many cooks" principle, and the lucid fact that this workload would be entirely unfair to burden others with. They do what needs doing, without flinching and without protest - even if, for their sake as much as everyone else's, they sometimes really should."

"Prospit Maids are ruled by the singular law that they can do anything they put their minds to. Cheery and upbeat, able to conquer any challange with a smile - or at least, utterly convinced they should. They set out to be perfect workers, supportive friends, interesting hobbyists, and ideal citizens. While well-mannered or even sweet, they're still impatient and competitive with others; differences of opinion or plans going off-the-rails often finds them confused that was even a possibility, leaving them doubling-down with failure not being an option. This forward-momentum ultimately obscures their own moments of selfishness, and an inarguable brick wall is very likely to cause them to crack. Even then, keeping that smile on will mean pulling a few excuses out of their ass, and they don't have to be good ones if they only have to convince themselves. Prospit Maids are generally slow to realize how different of a wavelength they're on, but the lessons they learn is usually "trust people less, trust myself more". They have uncanny talent in their chosen career path, but being "less-than-perfect" and being "a failure" are too often treated as the same thing - definately still Pagey, but they haven't got time to weep when they can bleed."

"Derse Maids are ruled by the singular law that human beings will dissapoint them. They're far more objective focused, always keeping politeness and mental health as tertiary priorities compared to their career or art; if you don't agree with it, or think it's a waste of their talent, they'll do it more. This diligence surprisingly seems spurned by their increased self-awareness, where the most natural response to recognition is to resign themselves to ruin - a lifetime of pushing boulders up hills, where a slip means being squished. Mind you, this is rarely any kind of acrimony; Derse Maids are very content - even unsettlingly cheery - so long as no one fucks with their groove. With a good sense of humor and (negotiable) professionalism, it can be unexpected when they display true ruthlessness or a masochistic delight in thrill-seeking - there's violence in there, never entirely a joke. It's difficult to tell where the lines are and when they've already been crossed, meaning they'll probably only voice their truest frustrations at you all at once, unexpectedly, possibly minutes after (or even before) trying to fix your problem. When they finally burn out, there's a strong pull to keep going anyways, gleefully indignant to the stakes (and concerned friends). Like all Maids, Derse ones cannot do everything themselves - but, they are more likely to give you reason to keep your distance in the first place, whatever those reasons might be."

Known sylphs: Kanaya Maryam, Prospit Sylph of Space. Aranea Serket, Prospit Sylph of Light. - Invites healing/repairing with/through/of [aspect]. Female-aligned. -

"SYLPHS live for other people - they're unyieldingly optimistic, supportive to a fault, and treat "friendship" as a professional and formal contract. Productive and altruistic in equal measure, Sylphs preach black and white (mostly white) universal morality, always with an explanation or accomodation for when it contrasts reality. While more than a little snippy to slights, their default worldview is so gosh darned optimistic that they'll have a smile plastered on their face a majority of the time regardless. Despite this high energy, most remain on the backline, alternating between proxy enthusiasm or putting the "passive" back in "passive-aggressive". Don't get me wrong, they're duty bound to provide some insane support that would be unthinkable to outright ask someone, but Sylphs get carried away far too easily; terrible with boundaries, personal space, and anything less than a hard "no". One shouldn't be reckless in encouraging them to get out of the bleachers or to take their wildest ideas at face value; not until they find a way to reconcile an alarming amount of personal uncertainty with who they are, and what will make them happy. Sylphs are the lynchpins in any friend group - or only convinced they are, and dangerous in what they've decided that entails."

"Prospit Sylphs have the most stability in being a good friend and generous provider. They support everyone, give lots of second chances when they shouldn't, and only ask that everyone is civil. If they do overstep, however, they also have the biggest blindspot: "do right for right's sake", sure, but they can't stop doing right. Sometimes they'll toil making gifts or gestures for people who either don't want it (or didn't appreciate it the "correct way"), and sometimes they just can't let go of their particular status quo. They simply don't moderate their expectations, and the world will dissapoint. At worst, they'll frame selfishness as the assumed world order, trying to push people to be only the hyper exaggerated image in their head, cruel at anything they interpret as "unpleasent", and failing to understand how authoritive they've become - the fact that they're arguing against their friend's actual words doesn't seem to register. Don't let this distract from the fact that they will acomplish alot of good by not giving up on people and trying to help them succeed...they just shouldn't be complacent in that, and assume that any good (or harm) they do is cosmically permitted - let alone ordained."

"Derse Sylphs intertwine "I'll die for my friends :)" and "I'll cut anyone who fucks with me :)" in the same phillosophy, and ocassionally in the same sentence. They're exactly as aggressively helpful as any Sylph, but no stranger to the "aggression" part; if the world needs omlettes, that means no hesitation in breaking eggs. Unfortunately, given that eggs are people, they run into the familiar Derse issue where being aware of your problems is not the same as fixing them. Stern, stressed, and aware of their pride, this breed of Sylph is still capable of presenting as the backline beck-and-call in a way that's hard to differentiate from Prospits; they're a touch more openly self-depricating, and a few notches more fond of sassy zingers. They truly differentiate themselves when they get invested in a project, thriving on forward momentum with a touch of chaos; at home in the eye of the storm, but with an outside impression of "crazy mad scientist". While twice as venemous in insults, Derse Sylphs are more outwardly uncomfortable with total authority, unlikely to assume and prone to cracking when "left in charge". The contrasts of helpless sychophant, proxy parasite, over-protective parent, and wild god-complex are plainly visible even to them, and it's all as terrifying as it is exciting. They're the most in need of encouragement to get out there and strut their stuff, but it's still important to make sure they don't get in too much trouble."

EXPLOIT, Merit, Servants: Pages (-), Knights (+)

Known pages: Jake English, Prospit Page of Hope. Tavros Nitram, Derse Page of Breath. Horuss Zahhak, Derse Page of Void. - Provides others with/Invites application, exploitation of/with/through [aspect]. Male-leaning. +

"PAGES are wistful dreamers, quick to apologize and quick to offer help to anyone around them. They're plagued by both crippling doubt and wild ambition, commonly exhibiting a stop-and-start confidence: charismatic promises, followed by imploding into a mess of apologies and self-flaggelation. They're attracted to romanticized stories of heroes and saviors, either emulating them (conditionally) or becoming attached to exciting people in their lives. Despite this, they're often ashamed and self conscious of their interests, while being incapable of shutting up about it. Many remain punching bags who only function through escapism and living by proxy, but they can never truly ignore their desires; stubbornly opinionated behind their bashful exterior, Pages are on a long journey to untangle themselves and find the confidence to say everything they ever felt needed saying. This means continually experimenting with their presentation, trying to find the right approach, ruleset, and knowledge to align their principles with a world they're tentative to confront. They may eventually find their confidence, embodying an impossible larger-than-life persona...or, spend the rest of their lives living in the shadow of who they wish to be."

"Prospit Pages are probably the first thing that popped into your head when I was describing all this. Innocent, well-meaning, polite, with only pristine visions of a world where nothing bad ever happens and everything works out for everyone. Still marred by poor self-esteem, they're more confused anyone sees potential in them rather than anything else - which can make them slow to accept change, waiting on a miracle rather than being practical. They try to live in accordance with law and order, but also miss when that blurs with their own principles; they're very difficult to reason with if they've been properly riled up, as rare as that is to happen. More often than not, they're simply polite and lost in their own little world, wildly enthusiastic about their hobbies and interests to the point of overwhelming people who listen. While they frequently apologize for rambling (or during it, if they can't stop themselves), these are all the hallmarks of a Page still holding themselves back. The funny thing is, if they do get their act together, it's equally as comfortable: charming, cheery, averse to conflict and dignified in admitting fault, all so natural you'd think they were born that way. Of course it's still theatre; still the efforts of a flawed human to aspire to be aspirational, which will always leave cracks and artifice when they're out of their element. Either they can own it and use it to better empathize with those around them...or, pull back into the habits that "work" and try to sweep all that inconvinience under the rug. It's dependent on the person, let alone if they even make it that far in the first place."

"Just as whimpering but with the added attribute of "wicked", Derse Pages are pressure cookers ready to either make a diamond or crack one. They're guarded, stressed, wracked with self-loathing, and eternally aware of the bleak future of broken dreams that they seem cursed to follow; as such, they remain in a constant state of course correction. They're often erraticly anxious assistants, always at risk of falling into broken despondency, but flirting with "sick of your shit but still going to fix it" direct action the more they grow. Their self-awareness is often why they're so overwhelmed, being resentful to their own compulsions and lot in life, irritated at the irrationality of an innate "fault". They are more prone overall to manipulation or treachery, due to the fact that these are not breaks from their code entirely, but rather parts (not all) of the code itself - they tend to root for the bad guys, be it in fiction or news reports. Very aware of their dark thoughts, most Derse Pages try to stuff it down and "sanitize" themselves, which only makes for worse crimes when something snaps; if they don't make it heroic, it'll only ever be hedonistic. They can't ignore they have some strong opinions on morality, and that if the universe made any goddamn sense it would punish the guilty...but they're their first example of "guilty". They've gone too far before, and they will again, but what matters is not making the same mistakes twice. They truly do want to make the world beautiful, but they're willing to step over alot of people to get there - at least, far more than they're comfortable admitting."

Known knights: Dave Strider, Derse Knight of Time. Karkat Vantas, Prospit Knight of Blood. Latula Pyrope, Prospit Knight of Mind. - Applies/uses/exploits (with/through) [aspect]. Male-leaning. -

"KNIGHTS are loyal, consistent, tough, and so compulsively humble they'll refuse to admit any of it. They naturally drift into becoming the fulcrum for friend groups (with slight favourites), handling tasks most would find monotonous or stifling. They share a Page's flair for self-depricating theatrics, but often meant more to playfully (or aggressively) annoy rather than endear. Whether it's casual socializing or dire situations, Knights specialize in bravado and persona - they do not show weakness, and do not bring down the mood with their own problems. While they frequently double down on their walls and defenses when pressed for honesty, they do have speeches ready for those moments; that this is their burden to bear, all they're allowed to be, so someone else can shine brighter...but, these are the lies of someone who isn't the main character of their own life. Cracks always appear eventually, as the Knight lifestyle is inherently unsustainable both from stress and idealized "standard" that never was. Selfless sacrifice is a great idea on paper, but respecting them for the struggle only distracts from the fact that they don't have to. Rules and restriction drive them forward, but limits their potential; they fight a battle they do not expect to win, but they absolutely can as soon as they believe they deserve to."

"Prospit Knights are not, strictly speaking, "laid-back". They may pretend to be, or openly mention they'd prefer to be, but their rules still have them in a vice. As inflexible as they are, they're the least likely to crack; they're content with their chosen level of stress, and their bluster or self-deprication never completely overtakes their ability to have a rational discussion. This does mean that while they're the least likely to consciously recognize they have problems, they are the most likely to admit it - but again, not really looking for "solutions". Letting someone else take the lead is very natural for them (to the point they may not want to admit it), but they're not above backtalk and not immune to open disrespect, making them prone to a "backseat driver" kind of criticism. If they do snap, it's not as sudden; you can often see the gears turning as they talk, liable to mention when they're running out of patience for people (just not if you ask directly, then it's "fine" again, because that's the "correct" response). Letting all the rudeness out and deciding if they're going to burn a few bridges (or all of them) is bound to happen eventually. It might be a half measure where they're still unconsciously empathetic and respectful despite their words...and it might not be."

"Derse Knights will die for you when the cards are down, but will do alot to make sure you wouldn't expect them to. Their Knighthood is percieved in the grimmest lens of suffering and sacrifice, as they are but a worthless wretch to be sacrificed and forgotten about - but this is rarely spoken out loud. In a good 95% of situations, Derse Knights are an inpenetrable wall of antagonistic jokes, deflections, and relentless "class clown" harassment. While this sadism often reflects legitimate irks and indignation, it also encourages the poor reputation they believe they deserve...or at least, it's supposed to. Derse Knights struggle to find a goldilocks zone of abuse - given and taken - which either shoves away friends who show patience, or wears them down trying to co-exist with the truly cruel. While humor can soften some of these blows, it also makes distinguishing touchy subjects a guessing game; sullen bitterness or explosions of temper can seem random, while Derse Knights act like it should have been obvious where their lines were drawn. These harsh constraints and contradictions have no pleasant destinations on their own, and it's unlikely for them to sustain relationships with people where they can peform their labour, avoid emotional honesty, and still function. If things get too "chummy", they're very likely to self-sabotage in dramatic ways, surgically trying to piss as many people off as possible, saying things that can't be taken back and breaking things that can't be repaired. There's pride in there, sure, but they're not hurting people because they're "no good": they're hurting people because they're terrified to be loved, and because their moral framework has no way to process them getting a hug. Of course there's alternatives to this road, but it's darkly seductive to burn bridges and solemnly move on to the next disaster."

KNOW, Static, Prophets: Mages (-), Seers (+)

Known mages: Sollux Captor, Derse Mage of Doom. Meulin Leijon, Derse Mage of Heart. - Understands [aspect] (for themselves.) Male-leaning. -

"MAGES are know-it-all's who never feel the need to prove it, and position themselves in situations where they never have to. Comfortable with isolation, disinterested in praise, awkward at basic social interaction, Mages are often less your friend and more just "around". While capable of great trust and devotion, passing this threshold usually happens with zero fanfare, and doesn't change the day to day much either. Most comfortable in personal duties and passion projects, it's often a continued effort from friends to keep them involved; even then, it's a Mage staple to suddenly and abruptly leave conversations without a proper goodbye. They're used to their advice going unheeded, and aware (usually) that their insights are purely personal anyways, but Mages themselves are often blind to the greater ripples of their convictions; be it genuine assistence to others they didn't intend, or cracks in their logic and the consequences thereof. It is a complicated dance to keep them socially involved without becoming too frustrated at their weird priorities and scheduling, but that confusion tends to go both ways. Mages have their routine - in their career, their hobbies, and even their emotions - and they'll happily do that for the rest of their life if nothing stops them. Solving people's problems is a compromise, birthed from either confusion or annoyance (there is certainly a difference between shy and confident Mages) that anyone has those problems to begin with. Somewhere, there is the subtle hope that their knowledge and way of life will inspire to some degree, easing the everpresent strain of indecision and worry...but they sure as shit won't slow down for you to catch up."

"Prospit Mages live in a state of perpetual contentment. They have a clear interpretation of how to be a good person, and are fairly confident it won't be much trouble - or crowded. Their "perfect approach to life" might sound naive, but the fact that it works for them (and them alone) is the only proof they who are you to attack their happiness? Sure, they're agreeable and not likely to take offense to much, but squaring up for direct conflict ends poorly; whatever the dynamic was before, it can very easily turn into "I'm right, and if you don't see that, I'm leaving". Here's a hint: it's not a bluff. They might be wrong, but it's never a bluff. Whether awkwardly timid or professionally self-righteous, Prospit Mages will face all the ups and downs of being a human being on their terms alone, and trying to sway any of that - regardless of one's intention - is a Herculean labor. If opportunities or relationships fall apart, they'll shrug it off and say they did all they could; if they do beat themselves up over their actions, forgiveness is irrelevant, as is suggesting they might be off on which action needs critique. Buried at variable depths, they've all got an oddball sense of humor that not everyone will "get", emblematic of their overall willful independence. In every facet of every layer of persona and principle, all is affixed with one single line: "Take it or leave it"."

"Derse Mages live in a state of perpetual confusion. The Derse edge cracks all the calm certainties of Magehood, but does not provide alternatives, resulting in a breed of Mage that can never quite find the balance of snarky, supportive, and stoic they're aiming for...but predictably, still not one that wants any (or at least much) help with that. Derse Mages are much more negotiable to their social circle and obligations, with Magely conniptions less gospel and more guidelines. Often their most stubborn convictions are decided on after a few (possibly one) genuine attempts at alternatives, tempered by a transparent admission of whatever doubts lead to it and may be lingering. This inner mechanism spills into their people skills, as while Derse Mages are, again, more negotiable to be helpful at all compared to Prospits, they're often very ham-fisted when doing so; frictions in personality, reckless miscommunication, assumption superseding curiosity, and a tendency to acknowledge all of these things before shrugging and doing it again 5 minutes later. Mages are, after all, Prophets, which is not any bonafide psychic power to be clear, but a self-identity built on intuition - not investigation. Prospit Mages are personally resolute and worldly complacent based on this (DEBATABLY QUALIFIED) certainty of who they are, what they know, and what they're capable of...but, to have all of that be perpetually off-balance makes Derse Mages feel like they've got something to prove, without even being completely sure who they're trying to prove it too."

Known seers: Rose Lalonde, Derse Seer of Light. Terezi Pyrope, Prospit Seer of Mind. Kankri Vantas, Prospit Seer of Blood. - Understands [aspect] (for others.) Female-leaning. +

"SEERS are fascinating people by virtue of how much they resemble the trope of movie characters designed entirely to dump exposition: content to observe the stories of others, present in every conversation with a perspective from the outside, and verbose despite a seemingly non-existent (or at least stable) ego. Every Seer is ready to give advice to others on how to solve their problems and live virtuously - if they don't, or it's not appreciated, they are surprisingly patient in debates-bordering-on-arguments to get there. They rarely stray from the backline of groups, where even when tragedy meets them and theirs, Seers spend less time on damage control compared to bemoaning themselves for not seeing it coming. Despite this presumed importance of duty, Seers compensate professionalism with a notch of playfulness, making them more approachable and keeping them in the loop if they're still processing their thoughts (and because screwing with people is funny). They have a penchant for hanging around erratic or unstable people, keeping them on the right path as readily as they tell everyone else how to co exist with them. It's a comfortable niche, and fulfills their call to action, but the brass tacks is that anyone that chronically problematic needs more help than a holding pattern of advice and lectures. If someone is intent to drive their life off a cliff (or into a crowd of people), Seers are prone to sit there in the passenger seat as the familiar voice that says "I told you so". Even self-preservation usually manifests as leaving without a word, when previous arguments gave too much slack in the hope someone's mind would change. Seers do not want to force anyone's hand, or draw unneeded attention to themselves, and any damage in this approach is preferable to the guilt of breaking routine."

"Prospit Seers genuinely believe in their method: they poke, question, suggest, console, and the world is (probably) a better place for it. They do all this casually, even implicitly, fostering their preferred social role (or even career) through little else besides following their nose. As they see it, they're just doing what needs doing, thinking little of these instincts beyond it's what a good friend or citizen ought to do. This earnestness ensures they have a rather static place in groups, where anyone who wants to listen to them is already listening, and anyone else knows what to expect. While it all might come across as "one-note", this is from intentionally embracing their role, and not from actual simplicity; you learn more about them from their hobbies, not their conversations, even if they're explicitly trying to keep your attention somewhere else. This modest zealotry invariably leads to blindspots, making Prospit Seers unprepared for a lack of clear and clean solutions: the world is either simple, or it ought to be. Importantly, this sentiment extends to themselves, as while Prospit Seers are everything already discussed, they tend to genuinely believe their excuses that their baggage doesn't - or shouldn't - bother them. Personal interests and issues are deprioritized, sometimes admitted by accident in a tangent, all from someone more comfortable phrasing such things as if it was someone else's emotions and ennui. There's self-loathing between the cracks, but they'll just stuff it deeper down with an "out of sight, out of mind" mentality that fools themselves as much as anyone else - and if it doesn't fool you, it's an uphill battle trying to broach the subject past Seer defensiveness running on autopilot. It might kill them someday, but if you really can get them to open up about it, then they probably think it already has in every way that matters."

"Derse Seers don't believe in the method, per se, but certainly the results; contradiction and compromise are strategies in a high-stakes game that not everyone realizes they're playing, and maybe it's best they don't. Derse Seers speak with purpose, but deliberately weave double-talk and sarcasm through it that you might let your guard down; comedy, compliments, and criticism are all chosen tactically, from someone who isn't even hiding that they're up to something, only the specifics. Their observations and principles are more malleable, far more accepting of depressing outcomes and dysfunction as "just the way things are" - yet, obsessive to the opportunities they're confident are in reach, where outright manipulation or self interest can still be writ as some "greater good". The know it-all superiority of Seers is clearer here, if only because all facets of the illusion are consciously recognized, and purposefully oversaturating their image as "resident smartypants" reinforces that armor. Mind you, this doesn't mean honest self-reflection so much as deeply engrained personal myths; to define why it's so important they repress themselves and misdirect others, and how special their circumstances are that of course they can't admit that to those that wouldn't understand. Flip the spotlight and force it out of them, and it's clear they're not Mages: they might stammer and stumble, or lash out in a graceless, defensive aggression. If they can't hide or deflect or rationalize being a codependent, directionless blabbermouth, then all that's left is to play it for a laugh...but there's not much to laugh about the longer you look. They probably know that - they probably always knew that. They just didn't want you to know."

CHANGE, Variable, Magicians: Witches (-), Heirs (+)

Known witches: Jade Harley, Prospit Witch of Space. Feferi Peixes, Derse Witch of Life. Damara Megido, Derse Witch of Time. - Controls/manipulates/changes (with/through) [aspect]. Female-aligned. -

"WITCHES are guileful innovators, finding a path forward from the sidelines or in the wake of others. Playful and imaginative, they enjoy the little things in life, and try to avoid drama or stress; however, they maintain a firm grip at the reigns of their own life, and don't budge easy to the wills of others (even if they pretend to). Curious and carefree whim is cultivated into their own little world to carry with them, to be shared with a handful of people they trust; it's not like they're hurting anyone (usually), it's just an idle apathy to unpleasant facts, often annoying those who found it so endearing under different circumstances. They bluff past alot of obstacles in their life, readily lean on stronger voices, and almost always land on their feet. Witches come off as kind, agreeable, "cute", and altogether straightforward...and while some of this is true, Witches will readily deny any and all of it if they feel cornered. Dry resentment and unworthiness brim below the surface, built on unchecked assumptions, with pain placated by relationships and distractions. Witches will always have their own interpretation of how high the stakes are, of how genuine they were, of vapidity or hidden depths of those around them, and trying to directly poke holes in the inconsistencies of these speeches tends to make things worse. Ultimately, the skewed truth is their truth, and it's as important for others to realize how vitally important it is to Witches as it is for Witches themselves to not undersell everything they're capable of."

"Prospit Witches are much more Sabrina than crop-killing monster. They're positive, polite, and idealistic; reality often meets them harshly, and not if they can help it. While they can be tricky to pin down in driving purpose, their track record often speaks for itself: happy hobbyists, an aura of amicability, casually opinionated, contextually careless. Their presentation is mirthful often despite their circumstances; maybe it feels like they decided a long time ago they didn't want to grow up, but it's a conscious decision made by a sober mind, and not held past the point of reason. They'll...try to stick it out for friends who ask too much or rub them the wrong way, but they also might ghost and hope no one notices. If this all sounds like sunshine, that's because it's designed to be; Prospit Witches are everything already discussed, but take every high and low in stride. Masks will drop without fanfare, then snap back to their face as soon as the moment's bitterness is exchanged; misfortune is endured as long as no one else is getting hurt, alternatives writ off as "too much trouble". Their skewed stakes are not just preferred, but trusted, blossoming blind spots that always come back to bite later. Their health and heart are still very personal, and the rules on disclosure can seem (or be) inconsistant. They're prone to reestablish their walls and routines even if critical secrets are unveiled, simply refusing to acknowledge the lost status quo; press it, even with stated goals of building something better, and the Witch-Spiral-Speech(tm) is still on the table. All in all, Prospit Witches are very good at hiding their scars (metaphorical or otherwise), but tend to be oblivious if those wounds are still bleeding - or they just stopped caring."

"Derse Witches are the ones to worry about, but usually more for their sake than yours. They're generally cheery, but not "optimistic", strictly speaking; they're matter-of-fact towards both the world's evils and their own, finding delights within the macabre rather than in spite of it. Appropriately, this compounds their sense of being an "other" to the world, making the dance of masks more intricate and articulated; they can range from dignified-yet-damaged sages, wild free spirits, apathetic sadists, or innocent brats. While all this lessens the chance of accidental (or blindly denied) self-sabotage, Derse Witches are prone to simply embrace the collision course: to live on the run, cozy up to volatile individuals, burn bridges within an hour of the transgression, and not look back and see which bad decision is going to be the one that finally catches up to them. More than seclusion, there is a pull to outright suicidal ideation: "You'll be better off when I'm gone", said with a smile, ready to rationalize the reactions it incites. Mind you, there's cracks in this bravado - compassion and hesitation that does not feed the narrative of "hedonistic blight" - but the threat of dropping the knife means they'll twist it to be taken seriously. If things seem fine, they'd like to believe it's because they did the mercy of lying to you...but if things are better than they seem, if everyone already knew the secrets, if there is a potential for uncompromised happiness, that doesn't mean they'll budge. It's never about direct problem solving, it's about trust - no shortcuts, substitutions, or second-tries."

Known heirs: John Egbert, Prospit Heir of Breath. Equius Zahhak, Derse Heir of Void. Mituna Captor, Derse Heir of Doom. - Invites change (with/through) [aspect]. Male-aligned. +

"HEIRS are kind, compassionate, and defined by well-intentioned judgements; even if people don't agree, Heirs always find a way to get a word in without losing the room. They naturally slide into social groups, and quickly establish an environment where people look to them for support. They know how to communicate their thoughts effectively and without making things too personal, forcing people to reconcile themselves on their own terms rather than get caught up in a battle of egos. They don't like friends fighting, mediating disagreements in a variety of ways but always prone to a "I think what Steve is trying to say is..." hijacking. Altruistic, determined, and cherished, Heirs are, more often than not, all these things - but the one lie is "carefree". Underneath the "perfect friend" is someone who thinks everything is going to go to shit if they don't administrate, and this solemn responsibility is both rarely admitted and rarely up for debate. Heirs avoid recognizing any grand conclusion their small interventions make, but that's as much humility as it is plausible deniability; no pride for praise, only in deciding everyone else's best available option every single time. Heirs almost always have a point, and they almost never have anything to gain - but if they don't or do respectively, they're "sticky" enough in arguments that you might doubt yourself. It's easy to misread an Heir's approach as a lack of confidence (and it might be a little), but often the implication of heirarchy is simply preferable. Heirs believe that they alone must be the one who will fix everyone else's problems, but past the legitimate ability and invisible arrogance, there's someone who doesn't know how to be anything else."

"Prospit Heirs might be frustrating sometimes, but they're almost impossible to stay mad at. Preferring to live life on autopilot, they perform all an Heir's duties of questioning everything without questioning their habits, and keep the mood light in all moments inbetween. They don't overthink their advice, don't get caught up on grand consequences, and also don't often think they can be wrong - at worst, what's a few harmless questions and words of warning? They prefer free-wheeling through volatile situations, ignoring what might be difficult to comprehend and only focusing on resolving what does make sense. They're good listeners, but a little sour if they aren't making any headway with people, which makes them more likely to quit if they get too frustrated - at least, until the topic gets brought up again. While Prospit Heirs are never truly ignorant of the conniptions, affirming it without acknowledging it can make them surprisingly dangerous; overstepping boundries, overtrusting instincts, and outright infantilizing friends can happen casually. Much like Prospit Witches before them, they'd prefer to stick to their routines even if something serious happens, and can be stubbornly resigned if no one plays ball. Confrontations can lead to denial, withdrawl, or simply addressing symptoms and not the root - which is, of course, still a time-bomb of an Atlas Complex. When their patience finally wears thin, their tempers surprise even them; too much feels unfamiliar and alien, unworkable, all at once. There's alot bottled up, and they're not measuring the breaking points."

"Derse Heirs are therapists who need therapists. (DIEDERIK NOTE: <<< I don't agree with that part.) Careful on what would tip things too far or be too bold to say, Derse Heirs hold their tongues, believing recklessness breeds catastrophe. They're good at what they do, but are the most prone to throw themselves too far into impossible goals with a martyr's masochism - content only in chaos and toil, proving themselves through bleeding hands and broken spirit. Too often they fear their friendly face is a fraudulent facade, only a mask to their violent impulses and desire to control others, only held back through self-control. They're calm because they believe the world needs them to be calm; beating the shit out of someone (who probably has it coming) violates their presentation, despite being a part of their most honest self. The explosive components of their personality are consciously recognized, and the proccess of holding themselves together so they can hold everyone else together is often internally mythologized. Much like Derse Witches before them, they'd like to believe your comfort is because they did you the mercy of lying to you; also like Derse Witches, there's still alot of kindness that doesn't fit their narrative of "manipulative tyrant". If they walk away from it all, they'll have reasons why they can't go back, but it's usually still reflecting someone trying to frame it for everyone else's benefit and not "I don't want to." Getting them to open up with all their pain, phillosophy and politics is something you either do in a safe enviroment, or something they do alone - and it'll always be messy."

STEAL, Tricky, Outlaws: Thiefs (-), Rogues (+)

Known thieves: Vriska Serket, Prospit Thief of Light. Meenah Peixes, Derse Thief of Life. - Steals [aspect] (for their own benefit.) Female-leaning. -

"THIEVES know exactly who they are and who they want to be...or at least, the impression of both of those things, which may not hold up to either scrutiny or setbacks. Sly and snarky, they're difficult to ignore by design; always fighting the tide, defining themselves by their deviations, their unique (or simply unappreciated) talents, and general disagreements. While bold as individuals, they are not truly independent: counterculture requires culture, and rebels require a status quo. Thieves are highly aware of their enviroment, expectations, and social dynamics, and may only find their voice when they find their audience. Crude and rude boasts of superiority are a cliche; however, while the schadenfreude of offending has it's delights, Thieves are always looking to impress far more (even if they haven't realized it yet). No matter how much they stress to be an outsider, they keep "coincidentally" crossing paths, inviting friends to nights of troublemaking and debauchery, or swearing some pretty serious pacts of blood-bonds. They're the team's fixer, the dark horse, the secret weapon...and yes, they really just want you to pay attention to them and never leave, even if they struggle to do it in a way that isn't at least a little rude. Honestly, they're just cats."

"Prospit Thieves are likely to say that being an asshole is mostly okay so long as you have your reasons - and while they have plenty, they're often not very convincing. Sure, they have a clear sense of right and wrong, but will either have excuses for not doing the right thing or have some messed up methods to reach it. Their sense of being "cheated" by the world often goes unchecked; they are always the underdog, even if they've been on top for awhile. This lack of critical assessment leaves them chasing goals that distract more than repair, undertaking challenges often precisely because they're unqualified. While wounds are an open book to anyone who asks (but not up for criticism (or therapy)), it really doesn't seem to slow them down at all; trauma is reliable justification, like some kind of case-closed, "why are we still talking about this?" cause-and-effect. They're also frustratingly off the mark in confronting societal injustice; it's not that society must be uprooted for it's failures, but more that the system made a "mistake" in failing to accommodate their specific needs - they either want to be on top, or to get out. It's harder for them to reconcile the disparity between their callousness and dependencies, making them more prone to write off transgressions, swept under the rug - or cut their losses altogether. If this all sounds like mental framing and not flavour, it's because Prospit Thieves actually vary quite a bit in that regard: cheerfully obnoxious to ruthlessly competitive, spitfire hero to spiteful loner, high-class vanity to rugged punk. Much like Prospit Witches before them, Prospit Thieves distance themselves from what their mask is hiding, but the higher stakes mean disillusionment borders on mental breakdowns. Life just isn't as simple as they want it to be, but stubbornly living as though it is only shoots them in the foot."

"Derse Thieves are likely to say that being an asshole is completely okay if you have comedic timing - and while they have plenty, they also know better. Creatures of habit, they're unashamed of their worst qualities, insufferably proud of their best, and crystal clear in exactly half of what they want; the remaining half is far too embarassing, even if it doesn't really make that much sense why they think that. The good side of this self awareness is that they have a much better sense how their pain affects them, how far is too far, and their capacity for harm...and the bad side is that their pain is harder to ignore, they're prone to cross lines cause they can, and they may find validation in open cruelty by embellishing their nature from "misanthropic" to "nefarious". While this does make them much more dangerous friends, it also softens them in a peculiar way: if they're gonna' be evil, someone else oughta' be good. It's easier for them to stay on the fringes of groups and not over-involve themselves, easier for them to proccess differences of opinon, and it's easier to see when their bad habits aren't even making themselves feel better. If they trust someone enough to open up, there is raw sincerity in taking every word to heart, even if it's harder still for them to truly change. They might be an asshole, but they'll happily be your asshole."

Known rogues: Roxy Lalonde, Derse Rogue of Void. Nepeta Leijon, Derse Rogue of Heart. Rufioh Nitram, Prospit Rogue of Breath. - Steals [aspect] (for others benefit.) Female-leaning. +

"ROGUES don't say much - either of substance, or at all. They're pretty easy to talk over, and may even encourage you to do so. They enjoy distractions, are pleasently social in sharing those distractions with people they like, and evasive (perhaps guilty) towards those they don't. They're awkward, but they aren't really looking for people to take care of them; more realistically, they're hoping to take care of others, even if they're not entirely sure how to ask or when it would be appropriate. They are often isolated, insistant that anyone else is more qualified to help, or more entertaining to talk to. Stick around regardless, and they often default to loose advice: openly unsubstantiated, easily dismissed, bordering on platitudes. Past all this bashful indecision, Rogues are capable of some ferocious optimism, finding solutions for entrenched problems and giving a platform to all unheard voices and desires. It's not too hard to see this ironclad resolve brewing beneath the surface - unless, of course, you are the Rogue in question, where it can all be weighed against every awful thing they've ever done, by intent or execution. The moments extreme enough to make it all manifest run the risk of scaring them away altogether, and that's assuming they don't scatter at the best of times just because they decided it was best for both of you...yet, is that sympathy of the penitent, or the fatigued resignation of someone too polite to admit they prefer to be alone? It's hard enough to convince people they deserve happiness, and it's harder still to follow your own advice."

"Prospit Rogues don't want you to worry about them, and all the reasons you might want to are not so much hidden as "thoroughly de-prioritized" - it's not a big deal, it's handled, they've always managed, why would anything change now? They often hold a cheery exterior, though uneasily; an ambient lack of faith in their capability and sincerity, middling between defiant and defeatist with an awkward laugh at their own indecision. They carry themselves with a casual boldness, but often this is while safe and secure in their established boundries; they don't really stutter in their advice, but rather, rarely commit to pressure or severity. If that severity is brought upon them, they'll do their best to make it more manageable, but really they're more likely to find great solutions only because they weren't directly asked to give one. This isn't to say Prospit Rogues are entirely absent minded bystanders: they're just looking for the right moment to demand better for their friends and call out injustice, even if they haven't consciously recognized this proverbial coiled spring. Sure, they'll follow people who ask for help (within reason), but it's really vibing with do-or-die moments that kick them into high-gear that give them form as a motherfucking rebel. Just as well, they can be pretty blunt when someone's exceeded their patience and crossed a line - not cruel, really, just firm. Prospit Rogues might never crack, but they're more than (perhaps even not) easy-going. If they don't know what they'll stand against, they're never going to figure out what they stand for - even if it's staring them in the face."

"Derse Rogues are insistant in convincing everyone they aren't worth worrying over, to the point you might not realize they had problems at all. Compared to Prospits, Derse Rogues wear a more saturated mask of cheerful eccentricity, playing themselves up with antics that will stop on a dime if they think they went too far or drowned out someone else's voice. Noticably, they lack the Derse Heir staple of sporadic yet intense violence on their fellow man (I cannot stress this enough: PROBABLY had it coming). They definately think about it, either as a joke suggestion or personal grumbling, but (almost) always their resentments are vented at a safe distance or in a safe environment. Derse Rogues are predictibly more self-aware than their Prospit counterparts, weighed down by much more verbose self-loathing; all the reasons you shouldn't trust them, all the ways they've let others down, all insisted upon from someone who can't look away from their own reflection. They're far more meticulous and calculated if they do help, but too effective at convincing themselves that they shouldn't - that they don't have the right, or it wouldn't amount to anything. Any number of numbed resentments and resignations lie behind walls of goofy deflection, often with the guilt that these feelings exist at all. Even with all these caveats, Derse Rogues can find themselves making excuses for people they shouldn't, struggling to set boundries with individuals who might be less victim and more perpetrator - even to the Rogue in question. Hiding all these blemishes is intended to spare others pain...but maybe, it's also to avoid arguments, from someone who wouldn't know what to do if there wasn't a good explanation for all this self-sabotage. While it's all more neurotic than Prospits, Derse Rogues just plain want to help people - the true difference is that it's more likely to involve slapping them in the face first."

Here's the set I don't like. A deliciously painful skim-through for me.

DESTROY, Subjective, Royals: Princes (-), Bards (+)

Known princes: Dirk Strider, Derse Prince of Heart. Eridan Ampora, Prospit Prince of Hope. Kurloz Makara, Prospit Prince of Rage. - Causes destruction (with/through) [aspect]. Male-leaning. -

"PRINCES are...complicated. Most would likely describe themselves as "shy", or "people-pleasers" on the inside, but that can be a stark contrast to what they actually do. Princes take charge readily, confront what they see as injustice, make their moral disagreements well known, and struggle to articulate and live by a perfect phillosophy. Even if they"re reluctant to reach out, they pride themselves on being there for the people they care about - but "pride" is the operative word. High personal standards and good intentions can blur into dangerous compromises, and a slew of rationalizations to avoid apologies. It is disengenous to say Princes aren"t ones to look out for, despite a capability to be loyal friends and strategists. They frequently reinvent themselves, constructing a persona, reputation, and guidelines that ensure they are both the resident advisor and some definition of "cool"; however, doubt and self-loathing will decompose this mask, making them an emotional burden with increasingly erratic and drastic decisions. At the breaking point, another baptism; not so much an apology as a "don"t worry", a new "clean slate", and perhaps a new address or social circle...yet, no matter how segmented a Prince"s life looks, they really don"t change much. They"re just defensive dorks who try to pretend they don"t care, while rationalizing the bitter isolation their constant complaining earns them as "the price of being smart". Again, Princes are complicated, but the real problem is that they keep trying to make everything around them equally complicated - especially when it isn"t."

"Prospit Princes are peacekeepers, but only to their definition of "peace". They cultivate a reputation for being sturdy, loyal, and trustworthy, while not shy about particular merits they"ve earned or skills they"ve practiced. The creation of their phillosophy and rules to life is slow, cautious, and deliberate - the execution and extolling however, is casual, even reckless. They"re emotionally transparent, and trying to look confident is an act of politeness and not deception. This transparency extends to what they take issue with: Prospit Princes do not hesitate to speak their mind on moral disagreements, (perceived) offences to them or those around them, or just general "bad vibes". They"re matter-of fact in having exhausted their aspect of all remaining value, but that"s often rather little, and pushing them to try again (or doing it better yourself) hits their biggest sore spot. They"re frequently blindsided by how intense and overprotective they come off, but mistrust alternatives to their instincts. If people reject their oversight, they"re likely to assume that"s someone else"s fault for "not getting it", and these arguments can make them more hassle than help. There is an implicit (or explicit) expectation of respect for protections past and present, quick to blame others while priding themselves on being the first to forgive. These schisms of perception can be mended, to learn both what their friends want and what they want...or, devolve into an echo chamber of bitterness and sacrifice, while the Prospit Prince learns who will or won"t prove "unreasonable". The worst of their manipulations and distorted reality are guided by "intuition"; if a Prospit Prince truly has abandoned their principles, they are the last to know, and the very last to admit it."

"Derse Princes are the most delibrately obfuscative people you"ll ever meet: an eternal engine of disparate reinvention and self-sabotage, masked by any number of excuses besides the somewhat obvious truth - insecurity. They reliably "start" as teenage supervillains with too much to prove (and transparently high opinions of themselves). This evolves into a superposition of shifting masks: eager and loyal friends with surprising honesty about their fears, burdened protectors making the hard decisions, suave yet casual charmers looking to do good without straining themselves, sarcastic sadists happy to dissapoint others with "how the world really works", or a martyring "born-broken" monster who ruins everything and everyone around them. While Prospits dip into all these pools, it"s Derse Princes who lose sight of their own truth and extend past their own limits; too cruel to loved ones, they crack into devotion begging requital; too desperate to prove their "magnificent" individuality, they crack into a helpless "victim of circumstance" begging forgiveness. Among all these things, they are still their aspect despite themselves, often preferring to preach "nihilistic freedom" rather than the passions they find too embarassing to dare admit. Of course, that "freedom" pits them against everything and everyone around them, too obvious in what they"re scared to lose. While many stay on the sidelines (and may prefer it that way), even contextual authority tempts the worst: an aura of smug superiority that never truly hides the desperate hysteria, trying to frantically overwhelm competing voices with personal attacks and gross humiliation. It can only fall back as "constructive criticism" so many times, and falling back further to "I"m actually the victim" should never forgive abuse. Ultimately, this "tragic and failed protector" is one more mask from someone who doesn"t want to be hurt anymore...but it is the hardest to take off."

Known bards: Gamzee Makara, Prospit Bard of Rage. Cronus Ampora, Prospit Bard of Hope. - Allows destruction through/Allows [aspect] to be destroyed. Male-leaning. +

"BARDS fancy themselves phillosophers, threading a paradoxical needle between not being as smart as they think they are, and still being smarter than they let on. There"s an oft-spoken pride in being a free spirit and thinker, which mirrors the contrarian authority of Princes. However, rather than insecurity, it"s oversecurity: Bards are lackadasical skeptics, refuting expectations and obligations (especially those placed upon them) so that the good times can roll. They are surprisingly diligent at certain careers, skills, or hobbies, but you can"t really ask them for practical help; they"ll catch you only after they spent 20 minutes deciding you are, indeed, falling. Bards instead prefer the merits of collectively discussing underdeveloped visions of ideal societies and ideal people, while not in a hurry to make good on that (at least, on any kind of scale). On rare occasions, Bards will actually follow through; they"ll lead group efforts, buy expensive gifts, say something truly profound, or scream that the injustices of the world have gone on too long and it is now time for a new age...which doesn"t (usually) go anywhere. Bards are known less for these extremes, and more their loose therapy, with a detachment to issues that lets them approach things calmer and more careful than those too invested, finding useful perspectives from unexpected and untapped places. Bards love being underestimated, and can be disarming despite themselves, ready to engineer (or blindly take credit for) the realizations you never expected to have. The comedy, easygoing nature, and distractibility of Bards is ultimately as much distraction from their intelligence as it is the method of it."

"Prospit Bards always believe that they have a point and everybody loves them; on some level, they may know better, but they prefer to believe otherwise, and simply ignore the cracks in this self-image. They are the breed of Bard who strays the least from their best ideals: speaking truth to power, spreading clarity and curiosity, asking the questions no one else knew to ask. Of course, making good on these qualities is not as easy as simply appearing as though they are, which makes it a coinflip if this is all empty promises and hot air. It is instinctual to doubt others, but the capacity to constructively criticize is crippled by how convinient it is to doubt criticism. The fact is, Prospit Bards are already putting in the amount of work they want in the areas they want, but so few can live with the reputation of "lazy" or "neglectful" that often earns them; laughing it off is an alternative to thinking about it. Again, they want to be a supportive friend, but they don"t want to dwell on times or ways they haven"t, let alone unpack any accusations of "emotionally invalidating"...and in egregious cases, this can make Prospit Bards dangerously manipulative, exploiting trust and sympathy to secure their easy-living echo chamber. Because of all this, for something to truly crack a Prospit Bard"s worldview, it will neccesarily have to upturn everything else; put them on the back foot, and you"ve got a stampede of angry confusion, throwing accusations everywhere in the hopes it can say "false alarm, I was right about everything the whole time and don"t have to change". There"s a lesson here familiar to most classes, in that they probably need their own medicine - to be challenged, and offered new perspectives. They"ll probably tell you they already do that plenty...but if they still sound smug, feel free to decide that yourself."

"Derse Bards know they do not always have a point; that they are an individual prone to wild tangents, bullshit theories, and incessant heckling. Alot of variation in Derse Bards, along with their capacity for change, circles one specific variable: do they believe these compulsions hamper their redeemable qualities, or simply magnify the schadenfraude when they prove everyone TOTALLY shouldn"t have underestimated their genius? Even this is rarely a straight answer, but there are Derse Bards who wobble between the two, and Derse Bards who double down on pride that poisons any point they could have had. Be it altruism, malice, egomania or self loathing, it all lies behind a shit-eating grin, pushing every joke too far while mocking everything held with sincerity or sanctity. This behavior is all-but-guaranteed to wind up with their closest friends yelling at them to shut the fuck up already, which they"ll probably laugh off. Probably. Depending on the Bard, depending on the relationship, someone drawing a line in the sand might crack the bravado. Put a Derse Bard on the backfoot, and for that brief window they"ll honestly tell you how much they think they"re living up to the ideal of "emotional pillar of support", or how much they even want to. To admit their faults and guilt in a way where it feels like they genuinely didn"t consider it before, freshly unearthed - and just as easily threatened to be swallowed up in "Eh, nevermind"s as they make exceptions for exceptions. Again, Derse Bards are capable of much more self-awareness than Prospits, and there can be genuine fear towards their own unrelenting trainwreck of thought. Ultimately, whether this jackassery is seen as a corruptive poison to their sincere intellectual ambitions, or as the savoir-faire earned from it, it is - tragically - inseperable. Derse Bards must learn to control and focus themselves, lest they surrender their soul entirely to the bit."

Part 4. Check your work.

Really just the final opinion. Repeat steps as need be until you get something that fits. Don't be some total jackass and sway your results trying to cherry pick. Possibly engage in some introspection if you get something fucked up. Classpecting is quite honestly one of the only personality types I'll engage with, and for good reason.

Part 5. Extra resources.

Almost everything here was sourced from the Classpect Brochure, draft 17. (Most) images made by me. I'll probably cite other sources later but holy shit I've been working on this nonstop for hours.