Look who got over himself and made a blog page. I'll update this whenever I feel like it. Can't promise there won't be uncomfortable things here.
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2025
??:?? - Not a lot to say. Uneventful. Thought I'd just update this when make it. All I've been occupied with is food guilt, drawing smuppets, and most likely making people uncomfortable on Tumblr. Feels as though I'm drifting from the few people I talk to.
??:?? - Started using Tor. Just setting it up and shit. I'm biding my time until Monday. Short conversation with a Tumblr mutual. Cool.
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025
3:47 AM - Have not slept. Drawing smuppets hurting themselves and each other as emotional relief until my hand aches.
7:20 AM - Still have not slept. Thinking about occlupanids now. Maybe I'll dig into that. Or read Detective Pony.
8:30 AM - Haven't slept. Was about to before this happened. I miss Cal.
5:12 PM - Finally got some rest. Already ate too much, trying my best to hold off. Nobody's online except one person and I feel bad bothering her. Not that there's anyone else to really talk to except Tumblr mutuals. I don't know.
9:46 PM - Similarly uneventful day. Ritual plans later. Had an alright call. Got 2 chapters into Pony Pals: Detective Pony before we got distracted. I have got to get weirder.
Friday, Feb. 28, 2025
2:03 PM - Haven't done much. My arms are still hellaciously sore. Went a little batshit about DirkJohn and classpects. Overate. My sickass godtier hood came in the mail way early. Thick fleece and comfortable as shit.
Sunday, Mar. 2, 2025
8:17 AM - Skipped a day. Whoops. Therapy starts tomorrow, or the day after. Depends how you see it. Only thing I'm looking forward to is legitimate human interaction. Something about solitude vs loneliness. Anyways, had a 6 hour call, now I have 5.8 hours on Balatro. My muscles despise me.