This page is for nobody but myself. If you somehow found this, fucking lol. The contents of this page are weird. The rambles of an unwell man.
"Good" and "bad" shouldn't be objective in most moral cases. Bad shit is bad. I do not think people are intrinsically capable of being "good" or "bad." People do bad things.
Humans are neutral, humanity is flawed. Humans are animals, ergo they are animalistic. "Humanity" is a specification. Like fucking wolfanity or catism. Higher intelligence and cognizance than other living things doesn't make us any less animal.
I do not believe in God, at least by any standing definition or religion. I believe there are higher powers. Automatons are closer to divinity than humans. Divinity and nature are separate. Reincarnation is real.
Done with the sort of "philosophical" shit. Here's the juicy TT specifics I'm sure you've been on the edge of your fuckin' seat for.
Pain is weakness leaving oneself, mental and physical. Self-harm is an irremovable part of my identity and I have no issue with that. Recovery in this regard is nullifying part of myself.
"Transgender" as a term is washed out, too "PC", clunky, garish. Transsexual is superior in every way. Aesthetically, etymologically, etc... Gender binary is necessary, enforcing it is not. Biological
sex as we know it isn't correct. Take that how you will. I'm not a transmedicalist or a TERF, don't read this that way.
Labels for sexual attraction are also not necessary, nor do people need to know about your interpersonal affairs. Attraction to objects should be normalized.
Policing labels is stupid. There's better things to do with your time. Doesn't matter what someone identifies as, as long as it's not some braindead shit like transracial or transdisabled.
Cringe culture is not "dead" and sometimes it's necessary. Cancel culture is not necessary. We are regressing to fascism, not just through polilics but also things like that.
Old internet (90s - early 2000s) was a utopia colonized by consumerism.
I am a sexless man. "Sex repulsed" could be a fitting term. I think it's filthy.
Always prepare for the worst outcome. Connections only serve as more things to destroy. It is my nature to ruin.
Some people are beyond fixing, to different extents.
I started this at 4 AM. I'm not having a mental break, I'm just like this.